Saturday, 4 June 2011

Stroke 19: sketchdump: Spring, Feniiku, Super and Ponies

Just a small sketchdump here as usual!

Past the jump, go!

Sketch of my Fan-Gen, Spring. Probably the only Gen who hasn't got a flipping normal name yet but she wont tell it to meeeeeee :< Stupid Spybrush XD She's leaning on a giant floating magnifying glass. Because she likes to investigate things XD THE SPYGEN. The sprung boots are just for ease of getting around in a FUCKIN AWESUM WAY.

Sketch of Feniiku that is unfinished and will never be finished. I dunno, I was trying to make her look dramatic but she just looks silly XD Also her tail has shrunk :|

Doodle of my rockstar Super Sonic, and one of his band members, Cinnamon. EMO BUNNY GIRL.

And finally the drafts for the picture I did for Jess' birthday :3 FiM style Chopper (from One Piece) and Gohan (from DBZ)

(this was the final result XD)

There we go, that's the dump for the day :3

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